5th Annual Micronesian Youth Summit

March 11, 2023 @ 9:00AM — 5:00PM Hawaii Add to Calendar

UH Manoa Campus Center : 2465 Campus Rd Honolulu, HI 96822 Get Directions

5th Annual Micronesian Youth Summit  image

Empowering our youth to explore their dreams, strengths, and potentials

After 2 years of COVID-19 restrictions, we are finally able to bring back and host our 5th Annual Micronesian Youth Summit! The Micronesian Youth Summit rests on four pillars: community readiness, college readiness, solidarity, and career readiness. Students are able to attend workshops, forums, and other activities while also connecting to their Micronesian culture and heritage. You are welcome to be a part of the 5th Annual Micronesian Youth Summit on O`ahu! This summit will play a part in making a difference for our youth to become model citizens and future leaders utilizing their cultural strengths woven with contemporary knowledge!

The past four youth summits that we have hosted, we were able to serve over 1000 youth. 2016 was the first annual youth summit and we served 200 students, the following year we served 300 students, the 3rd year we served 400 students and in the last youth summit we held back in 2020 we were able to serve over 500 students. Although it is called Micronesian Youth Summit, students from all over with Native Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Islander background have also participated in our summits.

Our goal is to raise funds for our event on March 11, 2023. Your support is greatly appreciated given this short time. We appreciate any amount, your financial support will help with the costs of hosting the summit, food, fliers, leis, t-shirts, gifts for prizes, transportation, as well as other materials needed.

For more information or questions about the youth summit, please contact our WAO Youth Empowerment Center at (808)913-1364 Ext: 6 or via email at contact@weareoceania.org

$400 raised by 4 people


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